The story so far...
Calderdale Council have been working on a Local Plan since 2017. The Local Plan is designed to plan strategically for development in the borough over a 15 year period up to 2032. The Plan covers a whole host of areas, including employment and housing. The Council published its initial draft in July 2017. One of the Strategic Objectives in the Plan is to
- meet the Borough's housing needs…maximising the use of brownfield land…
In addition, the Council committed itself in this plan to what it calls its ‘green infrastructure’. Another Strategic Objective is to
- protect and enhance green infrastructure and the natural environment in Calderdale for its contribution to landscape, biodiversity, sport and recreation and its value for well being and health
Denis’s Field was considered as a site for housing at this stage, but the Site Report states that
- This is an important amenity greenspace, play area and natural and semi natural urban green space.
The Site Report concludes that Denis’ should be retained as a green space, and not be allocated for housing.
Following a period of consultation conducted through the Council website, a revised Plan was approved by the Council in January 2018, and after that, the published plan was put out to further public consultation between August and October 2018.
The revised plan included a revised Report on Denis’ Field. This revised report concluded that ‘development of the site for housing is acceptable’, provided that a flat kickabout space is made available on an adjacent site.
The Local Plan is now being reviewed by an Independent Planning Inspector in a series of stages, with a view to enabling the Council to adopt the Plan formally towards the end of 2019.
Already, the Inspector has raised issues related to housing which mean that the review process ‘may need to be delayed’. As the Council considers its position, the community that uses and values Denis’ Field as a green space amenity and vital biodiverse space needs to make its voice heard.
Following a period of consultation conducted through the Council website, a revised Plan was approved by the Council in January 2018, and after that, the published plan was put out to further public consultation between August and October 2018.
The revised plan included a revised Report on Denis’ Field. This revised report concluded that ‘development of the site for housing is acceptable’, provided that a flat kickabout space is made available on an adjacent site.
The Local Plan is now being reviewed by an Independent Planning Inspector in a series of stages, with a view to enabling the Council to adopt the Plan formally towards the end of 2019.
Already, the Inspector has raised issues related to housing which mean that the review process ‘may need to be delayed’. As the Council considers its position, the community that uses and values Denis’ Field as a green space amenity and vital biodiverse space needs to make its voice heard.